Main Contacts
Slide 2

Actual achievements

Slide 3

Maintaining scientific traditions

Slide 5

Nanoparticles FeNi

Slide 6

Anodized Aluminum surface

Slide 7

Highly qualifed specialists

Slide 8

Modern equipment

department of magnetism
and magnetic nanomaterials
department of solid state magnetism IPAM


The Department of Magnetism and Magnetic Nanomaterials

De jure address:          620002, Ekaterinburg, ul. Mira, 19
Postal address:           620083, Ekaterinburg, Pr. Lenina 51
Address:   Ekaterinburg, ul. Kuibysheva, 48, aud. 366

Head of the department – Vladimir Vas’kovskiy,
Doctor of Science, professor


Тел.: (343) 389-95-67

Vice head of the department – Vasiliy Kataev,
PhD in physics and mathematics, associate professor


Tel.: (343) 389-95-67

УAcademic secretary of the department – Elena Stepanova,
PhD in physics and mathematics, associate professor


Tel.: (343) 389-95-67

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